Category Archives: Belief Systems

I’m the Greatest! Am I Good Enough?

Don’t Crush My Dreams

Being January, the beginning of a new year I thought it would be good to introduce “Vision” and “Goal Setting” to the youth group that I’ve been working with.  These kids are between the ages of 12 and 15. One week I introduced “Vision” and had them decide what they wanted in their life, what they were really passionate about. Then the next week we worked on “Goal Setting” to make these visions become reality and had them go through the steps.

  • Why is the goal important to them,
  • Identify the tasks that need to be completed to accomplish the goal,
  • Assigning a start and finish date to each task, and
  • Showing them how to track the status.

Once this was completed and they were happy with what they had, I told them to take this home and hang it up where they would see it every day.

Two of the girls in my group had very sad statements about how their parents would react seeing their goals….. Continue reading I’m the Greatest! Am I Good Enough?