Category Archives: Change

Fear/Anxiety-The Daily Talk


Let’s face it we are in a time where fear or anxiety seems to be a normal part of our everyday life. If you avidly listen to the news your whole body may feel like it’s on high alert.

According to the dictionary the meaning of fear –

Fear is an emotion induced by a perceived danger or threat, which causes physiological changes and ultimately behavioral changes, such as fleeing, hiding, or freezing from perceived traumatic events.

The meaning of the word anxiety –

A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

Looking at the meaning of both fear and anxiety they are emotions or feelings. Our emotions or feelings are a result of the thoughts we are having about a particular event that may happen or the meaning we assign to it – essentially, our thoughts create our fear. Continue reading Fear/Anxiety-The Daily Talk

Brain Development and Your Tween/Teen

There has been much scientific study on the brain. A few decades ago, scientists believed that the brain was finished growing around the age of two. It was thought that after the age of two, the child’s brain was like “data entry” and the child just absorbed and continued learning, that the brain was fully developed. Through advanced medical imaging techniques, it is now known that the brain has another large growth spurt around the age of 12 and finishes up in the early to mid 20’s.

As anyone who has, or has had a child in their tweens know they get hit with a lot of changes, body, hormones, behaviors, and interests. Many of these changes have been blamed on hormones but as science has discovered most of the changes are due to the growth spurt in shiny new neurons and hard-wiring going on in your adolescents brain.

Understanding the three main areas of your adolescents brain that are affected will help you, so you can help them navigate this time in their life with skills that will go with them into adulthood. Continue reading Brain Development and Your Tween/Teen


Our Struggles With ”Fear” & Can We Overcome Them?

Fear as described by“a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.”

The fear response is triggered in the most primitive part of the brain, the amygdala and is said to be the most powerful emotion known to mankind.  Fear is, first and foremost a survival mechanism. When we are under threat the “fear response” will cause our adrenaline to rise, our heart to beat faster, and our breathing to become short and quick, getting us ready for fight or flight.

Now, the problem is when we are experiencing a change, or trying Continue reading Fear