Monthly Archives: June 2017

Kids in Action

Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence

Here are some children I  worked with on units involving –

  • Power Shifting – based on the concept that events are neutral-either good or bad based on the meaning we choose to assign to them.
  • Self-Talk – refers to what we say to ourselves – both verbally and through our thoughts.
  • I Love Me! – developing soaring self-esteem. Facing the world with a belief system of “I am worthy” versus “I am not worthy”.
  • I Believe in Me! – developing unstoppable self-confidence. Facing the world with a belief system of “I can” versus “I can’t”.
  • Overcoming Mistakes – how to learn from mistakes and let them go.
  • Managing Change – how to embrace change and thrive.

I read them a story involving each of the units, discussed the stories with thought provoking questions to get the kids perspective on what their ideas were about each of the character’s challenges in the story, and we did art projects that they would keep to remind them of how to live lives with soaring self-esteem and self-confidence.  We can give our children many things. Self-esteem and self-confidence isn’t something we give them, but we can teach them how to develop it in themselves.  At the end of each unit I gave the parents a re-cap sheet on what their children covered, with the tools and tips to continue working with their children when negative attitudes and self-talk surface.