Monthly Archives: June 2018


Our Struggles With ”Fear” & Can We Overcome Them?

Fear as described by“a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.”

The fear response is triggered in the most primitive part of the brain, the amygdala and is said to be the most powerful emotion known to mankind.  Fear is, first and foremost a survival mechanism. When we are under threat the “fear response” will cause our adrenaline to rise, our heart to beat faster, and our breathing to become short and quick, getting us ready for fight or flight.

Now, the problem is when we are experiencing a change, or trying Continue reading Fear

Belief Systems-What Are Yours?

“The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your life.”

Understanding how your mind works is the secret behind why some people live happy, fulfilling lives-a life of their dreams, while others seem to struggle-never quite achieving the life they imagined or dreamed of.

We are all born with greatness in us and along the way, well-meaning people impart their belief systems on us as to what is possible or not.

Belief systems are the programs we are running in our mind, they are what we believe about ourselves, our world, and how everything works, it’s what we think is right or wrong and true or false about life.  Some examples of beliefs are: “I’m smart”, “People like me!”, “I’m too old or too young to start a business”, “I don’t think I can”, “Life is tough”, “You have to work hard to make a living”, It’s always been that way”….   Our beliefs directly impact how we feel about ourselves (our self-esteem) and what we can accomplish in our lives (our self-confidence). Continue reading Belief Systems-What Are Yours?